Yesterday a very interesting board meeting at the creation spiral association. A lot of initiatives, among which the idea of creating a designated center for innovative companies involved with the creation spiral. Some experienced people are working on it with local governments and project developers. Would be interesting to base the Tom Kniesmeijer Company in a Center for Creation.
We had a quick bite with a few board members and then went for the Creation Café, a meeting place for people working with the spiral. I was curious to see what this kind of meeting would be like. What are we? A Movement? A Union? A Cult? An Action Committee? I like the last best. The creation spiral is a simple, handy way to get from ideas to reality, so ‘move your ass and be on your way!’, should be the pay off.
Discussed some funny ways to get more attention for the creation spiral with Marinus Knoope, the inventor. Had some laughs. He’s a bit frustrated because ‘The Secret’ is turning out to be such a hype, while it is nothing more than the first two steps of his spiral and then badly done. Haven’t read The Secret, but it was summarized for me as “think positive, avoid negative people and your wish will come true. And if you’re wish doesn’t come true, you didn’t think positively enough or there are too many negative people around you.” That’s not a methodology to get things done, that’s religion at its worst! Forget about The Secret, get moving on your ideas and visions. That’s the Kniesmeijer gospel.
Drove back from Nijmegen to Amsterdam at eleven-thirty with two people in my car and a head full of new ideas. And the promise to think about the positioning of the association. Another side-project to writing... But a good one. Another interesting result of the evening: Julia, who I dropped off in Utrecht, offered to discuss my staying at her parents small castle in the South of France for a while, to write. They have rooms in both towers. I love that thought. See what comes of it.
Finished a draft of my article. Will post that tomorrow, I guess.
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